Social Action
Social Action is responsible for informing the congregation of Outreach and Volunteer opportunities within the local Community, as well as national and world Church outreach. This ministry is responsible for selecting community organizations to receive Local Benevolence funds on a monthly or one time basis.
Social Action provides the congregation with information on community volunteer needs by inviting speakers from community organizations to present a Contemporary Lesson (short talk) during Services.
The Social Action Committee organizes King of Kings participation in the following:
- Annual CROP walk
- Monthly Interfaith Blood Drive
- Habitat for Humanity of Huron Valley
- Adoption of a Family at Christmas
- Lutheran World Relief Blanket Drive
- ELCA Hunger Drive
- Food collection for the Catholic Food Cupboard
- Other community outreach projects
Support/volunteer opportunities in our community and beyond:
- SAFE House
- Community Kitchen
- Food Donations
- Fair Trade product sales
- Stand With Africa
- Baby Kits for New Mothers
- AIDS Pins
- Foster Child Christmas
See our list of Charitable & Service Organizations.