The people of God have gathered for the worship of God and for service to others at King of Kings since 1970. King of Kings was originally a mission congregation of the American Lutheran Church and in 1988 became a member of the newly formed Evangelical Lutheran Church in America.
Today, our congregation is composed of gifted, creative, and diverse people who are generous with their time, talent, and treasure. We gather each Sunday and sometimes during the week for worship. Because of enthusiastic and talented volunteer leaders, as well as an exceptional choir, music is a very important part of worship and of our life together.
We gather throughout the week for support groups, service to the congregation, or social events. Many of our members have formed lasting friendships. You’ll find young and old, different economic and educational levels, single people, families, and a fair number of kids. We have been blessed with active Middle School and Senior High youth groups, both of which are led by congregational volunteers. Our youth participate in yearly mission trips, service projects throughout the year, social activities, and events sponsored by the Synod and national Church. We also have Sunday School for the children as well as other activities throughout the year such as “Parents Night Out” or holiday-based activity times.
Many and various community groups, a large percentage of which are 12-Step groups, use our building throughout the week.
Welcoming Statement
We, the community of King of Kings Lutheran Church of the ELCA, proclaim and live the message that the grace of our Lord is infinitely inclusive and that everyone is welcome through our doors. We recognize that each person is a unique creation of God and, through grace, is called a child of God.
As disciples of Jesus, we at King of Kings welcome everyone, without exception. We openly welcome lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender persons, as well as those who may have been excluded because of other human distinctions, such as race, economic status, gender, and mental or physical disabilities.
Worship is central to our lives together at King of Kings Our "style" can best be described as "relaxed liturgical". Lutheranism has always allowed for a great deal of flexibility in order of worship and while not required to do so, we tend to follow the pattern set out in our hymnal; a pattern used since the early Church.
We are blessed with an excellent pianist, choir director, and choir, so music plays an important part in our worship.
Children are welcome and encouraged to attend worship, and gather for a brief children’s sermon early in each service.
The Peace Place is available in the sanctuary during the Worship Service.
Holy Communion
We at King of Kings celebrate Holy Communion each Sunday at our worship services. Everyone of any age is welcome to come forward to receive communion.
Come Visit Us
King of Kings is located at the bend in Packard Rd. at the Packard-Eisenhower split. See the map to King of Kings.